About Us

Eros, the Greek god of love, desire, and attraction, embodies not only the profound depths of affection but also the playful mischief that accompanies it. In our relationship, we resonate deeply with Eros' multifaceted nature. Our love for each other is boundless, filled with playful banter and laughter, yet we also embrace the allure of mischief. We are unafraid to express our desires openly, to explore the depths of who we are, and to indulge in the spontaneity of our passions. Just as Eros represents the unapologetic expression of love and desire, we too strive to live authentically, embracing every facet of ourselves and our connection with unabashed honesty and joy.

We find immense pleasure in BDSM because it allows us to express our passions freely and authentically. Through this intimate form of connection, we're able to showcase our personalities and creativity. What we particularly adore about our floggers is their versatility – they enable us to be playful yet powerful, infusing each impact with a unique blend of joy and intensity. With our diverse range of inventory, we can truly showcase who we are and invite others to join us on this journey of self-expression and exploration.

Xplore, Xcite, Xpress with our exclusive line of floggers and paddles, each inspired by a different Greek god or goddess. Dive into a world where elegance meets mythology, and let the power and allure of the ancient deities enhance your experience.